Precision Boilers Blowdown Tanks Product Line

Managing boiler blowdown is a critical aspect of any well-maintained steam boiler system. Precision Boilers provides cost-effective options for handling these blowdown events in both large and small spaces. We design and fabricate blowdown tanks to be used where there’s ample room available, as well as blowdown separators for applications where a smaller footprint is needed. The configuration can also be adjusted to use recovered heat for preheating boiler feedwater.

Model Bd Blowdown


Blowdown Tank

Pressures: 50 PSI

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Model Bds Blowdown


Blowdown Separator

Pressures: 50 PSI
Voltages: 208, 240, 380, 415, 480

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Boiler blowdown is an intentional discharge of water from a boiler to prevent a buildup of particles and impurities left behind as the water converts to steam. Before this effluent can be released down the facility’s drain, the pressure will need to be reduced. Most local and state regulations also require it to be cooled to a temperature of 140°F or below. Blowdown tanks or separators are used to safely lower both the pressure and the temperature of blowdown water. Regular blowdown events will prolong the life of your boiler and help it operate more efficiently.

At Precision Boilers, we’ve provided solutions for facility managers and design engineers all over the U.S. Contact us today to discuss options for managing your facility’s boiler blowdown.

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